Industry Resources

FTC Funeral Rule

As previously reported, in late October the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to issue an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on the Funeral Industry Practices Rule (Project No. P034410) as well as issue a Staff Report on Shopping for Funeral Services.

While the Funeral Rule addresses a variety of the issues, the bulk of the conversation by FTC commissioners during the scant 20 minutes devoted to the topic, focused largely on the lack of online pricing. A harbinger of the FTC’s anticipated action can be seen in the last line of the staff report, “Consumers planning funerals would, in almost all instances, need to contact the business directly or visit the providers in person to get enough information to make informed price decisions or to compare prices.”

The FCCFA staff is coordinating with their counterparts at the NFDA and ICCFA who are working to build an industry consensus and response to the FTC’s likely action on online pricing and other issues. We will keep members abreast of the progress and will enlist the assistance of FFCFA members at the appropriate time. 

More information can be found at the FTC Website.

The deadline for comments is Jan. 3, 2023.


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 Division of Funeral Cemetery and Consumer Services Regulatory Body for the Florida Death-Care Industry.



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